Here is another story of a puppy’s journey from being alone and unloved to becoming the happiest dog. This heartwarming dog story will surely inspire many to consider fostering and adopting stray dogs so that they may be able to have a happy and safe home.

Zoey was a homeless German Shepherd who was rescued from the woods. She was only less than three months old when she was found in the forest. She was frail and was almost unable to walk.

Zoey’s fur was all covered in fleas at the time she was found. Despite the puppy’s apprehension, it was evident that she is a sweet and adorable little pup. After a much-needed bath and medical care, the small furball turned into a happy-go-lucky little dog.

Zoey is a very cheerful and joyful dog. As a puppy, Zoey was always full of energy and very curious to explore everything around her. She is very active, and she loves all kinds of toys.

Little Zoey is a permanent source of positive energy for people around her. Zoey loves to be cuddled as she feels very comfortable around people. Not only that, but the little bundle of joy is also very friendly with other dogs.

Zoey was in the care of Howl Of A Dog in Romania. The shelter also opened up the adoption for anyone abroad who would like to adopt dogs. The shelter will help to facilitate international adoption.

Zoey was already happy at the shelter, but her story took an even happier turn when a loving family from Maryland, United States, decided to adopt her. Zoey is now sharing a forever happy home with two other dogs, Roxy and Kona. Their lovely home has a fenced backyard with plenty of space where the adorable dogs can run and play safely.

Zoey has adjusted very well at her new haven. Her family surrounds her with love and attention. Zoey’s adopted mom told how Zoey loves to play, play, and play. Zoey’s favorites are lots of old-fashion belly rubs and a game of tug-of-war.

Source: Howl Of A Dog via YouTube


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