The link between wolves and dogs remains as one of the most talked about subject in the world of animal science.
They continue to draw awe in the minds of those who seek the truth behind their true nature and how they separated into two separate groups that they are now.
A more recent study by the Wolf Science Center concluded that both could work with humans but with varying degrees. The findings added more intricacy to their tale.
The findings suggest that it is the presence of the “wolves’ behavior pattern,” that causes our canine buddies to be cooperative as they are now.
They conducted the test on cubs raised alongside humans and compared the results.
The dogs and wolves went to a very similar test scenario but in separate containment.
The animals went through an obstacle course aimed into getting a food tray accessible by pulling a rope.
The scientists observed how they would respond to the task and recorded their behaviors closely.
The dog appeared to follow human behaviors by observing keenly and mimicking what they see, pulling over the rope that the trainers showed.
The Grey wolf specimen showed a similar aptitude however, also showed signs that they could lead using their tactics.
The wolf came up with strategies like stealing the rope from the trainer.
The experiment proved that wolves could proactively initiate behavior and impose their leadership contrary to the dog.
The dog decided to wait and observe the human trainer and followed the steps she did.
The shift on the behavior rooted from the actions of some wolves about 30,000 years ago when they started to scavenge in human campsites.
The taming process eventually took over after years of selective breeding. This resulted in the alteration of behavior and genes to what we now see on the modern day canines.
Thanks to our friends from BBC news for posting the original story.